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Adding Some Rhythm to Life

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Dates:Sat from 11/22/14 - 11/22/14
Cost:$$ see below
Category:Special Events

The Boston Center for Adult Education (BCAE), Boston’s award-winning adult education center, is now offering a single-session music class in Taiko (Japanese drumming) on November 22nd, from 10:00AM to 1:00PM.

Taiko (Japanese drumming) uses the entire body to create an energetic and rhythmic sound.

Taiko is believed to have been introduced in Japan through the cultural influences of Korea and China and even has a mythical origin in Japanese folklore.

Throughout history, the function has ranged from communication, military action, theatrical accompaniment, religious ceremony, festival performances and entertainment.

The class allows students to explore their “inner drummer;” by the end of the class, students will have learned how to play a short taiko piece.

Class instructor, Rhythms in Life (RIL) offers a variety of workshops aiming to engage students to experience letting go and allowing more “flow” into life.

Through rhythm activities, the workshops encourage creativity, innovation, and an appreciation of the diversity of culture and abilities.

RIL was founded by Elaine N.

Fong who has 30+ years of experience in music, percussion, teaching, fundraising and non-profits.

For more information about Rhythms in Life, please visit

No experience necessary; just bring enthusiasm!

As Taiko is a physical experience, it is recommended to wear loose, comfortable clothing and shoes.

Registration is necessary.

There is a class fee of $48 or $41 for members of the BCAE.

Please visit or call the Boston Center for Adult Education at 617-267-4430 to sign up.

WHERE: Boston Center for Adult Education, 122 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116.

WHEN: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:00AM – 1:00PM

COST: $48 / $41 members

RSVP: Registration is necessary.

Please visit or call the Boston Center for Adult Education at 617-267-4430 to sign up.

About the Boston Center for Adult Education:
Founded in 1933, the Boston Center for Adult Education (BCAE) is the first, nonprofit adult education center in New England.

The Boston Center for Adult Education serves as a meeting place for the Boston community to gather, learn, discuss and create.

The BCAE offers educational classes taught by well-qualified leaders, staff, and volunteers who share the mission of enhancing our community.

Today the BCAE teaches classes in Boston for almost every interest.

Students can experience everything from yoga, photography, belly dancing, and stand-up comedy, to scotch tasting, cooking, achieving financial freedom, ESL classes and much more.

At their recently renovated headquarters on Arlington Street (Boston, MA) you'll find professional grade kitchens, top-notch technology, and versatile classroom space with free Wi-Fi.

The BCAE offers a variety of personal and corporate membership levels with benefits including discounted tuition costs and discounts on local retailers.

Browse classes, become a member, or support the BCAE online at

The BCAE is located at 122 Arlington Street, Boston MA 02116.

The BCAE administrative offices are open Monday- Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM.

The Student Services office is open Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM-7:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM.

The BCAE is open on weekends during class times only.

COST↑ top

class fee of $48 or $41 for members



122 Arlington St, Boston, MA, 02116 map


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