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A Royal Lecture and reception: Nick Nicholson

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Dates:Saturday, December 3, 2016 - Saturday, December 3, 2016
Hours:4:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Cost:see below

Nick Nicholson will give a lecture on the two Imperial icons. Honored guest will be Prince Dmitri Romano Ilyinsky, great-nephew of Grand Duchess Maria, and the senior male descendant of the House of Romano.

“Imperial Presentation Icons by Fabergé and Kurliukov, and the Wedding of the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, 1908”

A look at two important Imperial Presentation icons by Faberge and Kurliukov, created as gifts for the wedding of Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna the Younger (1890-1958) to Prince Willem of Sweden, Duke of Sodermanland.

The magnificent 1908 wedding was to be the last of a Russian Grand Duchess before the Russian Revolution.

Gifts to Russian Grand Duchesses were known for their extravagance, and in this talk, Nicholas Nicholson will look in particular at two icons, one, the “Feodorovskaya Mother of God” by Fabergé, a gift from the St.

Petersburg Nobility Assembly, the other an icon of the “Image Made Without Hands” by Kurliukov in the pan-slavic style, a gift from the Moscow Merchants’ Association.

These two icons represent the differences in style and different political intentions of the two groups of donors.

Nicholson also looks at other wedding gifts including jewels by Cartier, and sets it all against the extraordinary life of the Grand Duchess, who was born in St.

Petersburg, became a beloved Swedish princess, divorced her royal husband, worked as a nurse during the first world war, escaped the revolution through Romania, opened a fashion house in Paris that worked with Chanel, and published two of the greatest Romanoff memoirs.

COST↑ top

Members: $25, Nonmembers: $30. Purchase on, or call 978.598.5000 x113.



Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union Street, Clinton, MA, 01510 map
Phone: 978-598-5000


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