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Boston Online

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Category:Boston Links
Other Ideas: Boston USA For Visitors; Newcomers Clubs Of Massachusetts; Cambridge Considered: the colorful history of Cambridge, MA;; Tory Keith: Metrowest Real Estate

Quirky and resourceful site that gives insider tips on everything from public restrooms in Boston to deciphering the regional dialect. Off the beaten path and definitely worthwhile.

Wicked Good Guides
Boston English
The complete guide, including pronunciation, grammar, place names and vocabulary.

Boston for Visitors
Making the most of your visit to Boston.

Bizarro Boston
From the killer molasses flood to giant glass bugs: When you get tired of the Freedom Trail, hop onto the Bizarro Trail.

Public Restrooms
Boston has many wonderful things going for it. Readily visible public restrooms are not among them. This is classic guide disclosing insider locations of public restrooms and ranks them from a usability standpoint. Both useful and comical.

Forums and Blogs
You'll be smart to check in on the Boston-Online forums. Keep your finger on the pulse of hot topics in the Greater Boston Area, and add your own opinion to the mix for fodder. Visit The Boston meta-blog - and see what online Boston is talking about. Updated daily.





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