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Mini Makers

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Dates:Tue from 7/14/15 - 7/14/15
Cost:$ see below
Category:Arts & Crafts

Design, create, and test your very own aircraft! We'll supply the materials, just bring your imagination and together we'll explore and create some amazing flying crafts.

Are you ready to take everyday materials to a whole new altitude?

For this Mini Makers event, we’ll be exploring different flying machines and giving children an opportunity to design, build, and test their very own aircraft using everyday household materials.

So fly in on Tuesday, July 14 anytime from 10am-3pm and you’ll be well on your way to creating your very own aircraft.

You can choose from rockets, airplanes, helicopters, and more as you start your aviation experience!

Everyone can be a Maker!

We'll supply the materials, just bring your imagination and together we'll explore and create some amazing flying crafts.

Check the Museum’s website for a full schedule of summer activities:

COST↑ top

$9 per person, free for members and children under 1



9 Sullivan Avenue, Easton, MA, 02356 map
Phone: 5082303789


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Mini Makers before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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