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Virtual Film Screening with Director: OSCAR

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Dates:Sat from 2/13/21 - 2/13/21
Hours:11:00-1:30pm EST
Cost:$ see below
Category:Arts & Culture

Join director Alexander Smoljanski for a two-part film series and discussion of two of the most famous Russian artists: the leader of the Soviet artistic underground, Oscar Rabin, and his wife, painter Valentina Kropivnitskaya.

The project consists of two films - In Search of a Lost Paradise (52 min) and OSCAR (90 min).

In 1974, both painters organized an open-air art exhibition, which the KGB smashed with bulldozers.

This was the most effective act of civil disobedience in the USSR after Stalin’s death in 1953.

The story spans three decades of the Soviet history and documents their successful attempts to confront the regime with paints and brushes.

This is a story about the power of non-violent resistance, about the borders of compromise, about people who tried to preserve internal freedom in a country that wasn’t free.

It is a refugee success story: a story of love, art and human dignity.

COST↑ top

Members $6, Nonmembers $12



203 Union St, Clinton, MA, 01510 map
Phone: 978-598-5000


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