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If this is a recurring event that will be happening again this year, please let us know.
Dates:Saturday, May 2, 2015 - Saturday, May 2, 2015
Hours:11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ages:Infants, Toddlers, Kids, Teens, Adults
Category:Fairs & Festivals

Family fun for all ages! Join us for an afternoon of live music, great food, and kid friendly art and activities in Haverhill's Cultural District.

A creative afternoon of great food and activities for all ages!

Located in the Riverfront Cultural District of Haverhill the event will include a full day of live music, local theatre and dance performances, as well as Improv workshops.

There will be lots of fun and interactive activities including face painting, sand art, martial arts and much more!



80 Merrimack Street, Hav, MA, 01830 map
Phone: 978.373.5663


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