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Boston Film Gala

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Dates:Friday, August 19, 2016 - Saturday, August 20, 2016
Hours:Friday 6pm-11pm Saturday 11am-12am
Ages:Teens, Adults
Cost:$ see below
Category:Fairs & Festivals

Boston Film Gala, an annual two-day event, presents filmmakers with opportunities to showcase their work, directly connect to their audience, network within their industry and share resources to build a stronger film community on the East Coast.

For those attending, BFG presents them with unique stories alongside a platform to view and engage with work and concepts that are unfamiliar in the mainstream film world.

In 2015, the first Boston Film Gala, comprised of screenings for short films and a filmmaker Q&A panel, allowed audiences, filmmakers and sponsors to interact directly with each other!

This year, BFG has expanded to a weekend event that spans two days, includes feature length films, more filmmaker Q&As, additional sponsor opportunities and a Gala (true to its name!) to celebrate the amazing local talent!

This year, Boston Film Gala will donate a portion of the proceeds from ticket sales to Project Hope, a multi-service agency at the forefront of efforts in Boston to move families beyond homelessness and poverty.

They provide low-income women with children access to education, jobs, housing, and emergency services.

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89 Bighton Ave, Allston, MA, 02134 map

Located at POP Allston 89 Brighton Ave Allston, MA


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