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7th Annual Providence WestSide Caroling 2014

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If this is a recurring event that will be happening again this year, please let us know.
Dates:Sunday, December 21, 2014 - Sunday, December 21, 2014
Ages:Kids, Teens, Adults
Cost:Free see below

Spread good will & warmth during one of the coldest times of the year. Joyfully carol through historic streets surrounded by beautiful Victorian architecture in Providence's Historic Armory District.

Neighbors started WestSide Caroling in 2008 when the economy was really getting bad and people were kind of scared about the future and losing their sources of income and were not spending money that holiday season.

Neighbors thought it would help everyone's morale if a group would get together and roam around the neighborhood singing carols and spreading good will and cheer.

Let neighbors know that others care about them.

Well, the economy is improving thankfully, but this has become a neighborhood tradition and taken on a life of its own!

2014 will be our 7th year, and last year was our biggest and best mob of carolers ever (around 200!)

'Join us as we joyfully carol through Providence's Armory District neighborhood.

Annually, the Sunday before Christmas!

Meet up at Loie Fuller's restaurant from 5-6 p.m. for socializing, snacks and to get a song book before heading out at 6 p.m. to bring cheer to the neighborhood through festive holiday songs.

We have planned stops with neighbors along the way for warm drinks and bathroom breaks, before ending at 8 p.m. for milk & cookies at Fertile Underground (1577 Westminster) one block from Loie Fuller's, our original starting point.'

EVERYONE IS WELCOME regardless of any religious or non-religious beliefs.

You don't need a good voice, just love to sing!


Caroling books generously provided by Leadership Rhode Island (we won't run out this year, promise!) This free festive event is sponsored by West Broadway Neighborhood Association (WBNA), Leadership Rhode Island, Loie Fuller's, the Hudson Street Deli, Julian's, Fertile Underground Grocery, El Rancho Grande, RI Food Fights, and WestSide Stories.

Hope to see you there!

COST↑ top




Armory District Neighborhood, Providence, RI, 02909 map
Phone: 617-462-6908

Rt 95 into Providence. Atwell's Ave exit onto Westminster Street. Bear right at Citizen's Bank. Meet at 1577 Westminster Street.

TIPS↑ top

  • Ample parking on Westminster or Parade Street. Please only park in Loie Fuller restaurant parking lot if you plan to dine there, thanks.

Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with 7th Annual Providence WestSide Caroling 2014 before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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