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Model Matzah Bakery

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Dates:Sunday, March 8, 2015 - Sunday, March 8, 2015
Hours:11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cost:$ see below

Beth Menachem Chabad's 1st Model Matzah Bakery!

Children will experience first hand how Shmurah Matzah is made - literally from 'scratch'.

Starting with grinding the wheat, mixing the flour and water, rolling out the dough, poking holes, and finally baking and eating our own Matzah's!

The Model Matzah Bakery is guaranteed to generate excitement for Passover and a renewed appreciation of Matzah Shmurah!

Sunday, March 8th 11AM - 12PM
Beth Menachem Chabad
349 Dedham Street, Newton

$10 per child — RSVP to — Walk-ins Welcome

***Please note: The Matzah that will be baked is NOT Kosher for Passover.

Every particapant will be given an authentic Kosher for Passover Matzah to take home.

COST↑ top




349 Dedham St., Newton, MA, 02459 map
Phone: 617-244-1200


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Model Matzah Bakery before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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