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Belchertown 4-H Trunk or treat

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Dates:Sat from 10/24/15 - 10/24/15
Ages:Toddlers, Kids, Teens
Cost:$ see below

Come see what the 4-H members come up with when they compete for best decorated car!

Members will set up cars in theme with their costumes and create a festive display on the town common.

Trick or treaters are welcome to visit each car display and gather treats!

Entry fee to benefit local 4-H.
A Safe and fun way to trick or Treat!!

COST↑ top

$2 per person


Town common, Belchertown, MA, 01007 map


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Belchertown 4-H Trunk or treat before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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