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Attleboro Kidz 4th Fun

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Dates:Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Hours:Hours Vary see below
Ages:Toddlers, Kids, Teens, Adults

Attleboro's annual 'Kidz 4th Fun' event will be held on Tuesday, July 4th.

Activities will be held at the Poncin-Hewitt Recreation Complex at 420 Oak Hill Avenue.

The fun starts at 9:00am and runs until 11:30am. You won't want to miss this holiday celebration filled with:

Family Oriented Games

Bike Parade
Join our annual Bike Parade as children celebrate our nations independence by parading around the Poncin-Hewitt Complex on their decorated bicycles. The Bike Parade starts at approximately 10:15am.

Child Races
Age appropriate races for children age 13 and under will include:

Baby-Crawl Race
Peanut-on-a-Spoon Race
Potato-Sack Race
Sponge Bob Race
Three-Legged Race
Watermelon Roll
Wheel-Barrel Race

The races for younger children go off first - so be there early. Parents should come ready to participate as we offer adult versions of most games which are often the highlight of the kids' day.

Complimentary Food
In addition to Nate Adams donating his DJ services the generosity of local residents, merchants and organizations allows us to provide complimentary hot dogs, chips and beverages for everyone.

Weather permitting the sprinklers will be on so don't forget your bathing suit and towel.

HOURS↑ top

9:00am - 11:30am
Bike parade starts ~10:15am



420 Oak Hill Avenue, Attleboro, MA map


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Attleboro Kidz 4th Fun before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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