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Composting 101

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If this is a recurring event that will be happening again this year, please let us know.
Dates:Saturday, May 14, 2016 - Saturday, May 14, 2016
Ages:Kids, Teens, Adults
Cost:$ see below
Category:Learn Something

Are you interested in composting but quite not sure how to get started?

Do you have a compost pile that isn’t doing much?

This session will cover what composting is, the benefits of composting, what can and cannot be composted, and how to successfully compost at your own home.

COST↑ top

Trustees Member: $9; Nonmember: $15



37 Powisset Street, Dover, MA, 02030 map
Phone: 5087850339

From I-95/Rt. 128: take Exit 16B (109 West). Follow for less than 1 mile and take a right on Dover Rd. Follow for 2.5 miles. Take left into farm immediately after big gray barn. The Farm Kitchen is inside the big gray barn.

From Medfield Center: Take Rt. 109 east, take left onto Hartford St. Follow for 1.5 mi. and take left onto Walpole St. Follow for 0.75 mi. and take right onto Powisset St. After 0.25 mi., take right immediately before big gray barn. The Farm Kitchen is inside the big gray barn.
Please park immediately on your left along the side of the barn. If all spaces are taken, please park along the right side of the driveway on the grass. Please exit the farm to the left, passing the pond and up the small hill out to Powisset Street.


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Composting 101 before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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