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Revelry and Revolution: An Evacuation Day Harbor Cruise

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Dates:Saturday, March 23, 2024 - Saturday, March 23, 2024
Hours:1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Ages:Kids, Teens
Cost:$ see below
Category:Learn Something

The Evacuation Day Cruise is a two-hour excursion through the Boston Harbor that tells the story of the Siege of Boston (June 1775 to March 1776).

Park rangers will provide historical narration of events as we pass key landmarks, all while navigating the waters the British used to evacuate town.

The trip will begin at Long Wharf, cruise by the Charlestown Navy Yard with the view of the Bunker Hill Monument, pass Fort Independence (Fortress William in 1776) with a view of the Dorchester Heights, and cruise by several harbor islands including Little Brewster, home of Boston Light.

Swinging around Little Brewster, we will head back to Boston with entertainment by the duo Tobias Tripp and Prudence Merriweather for a 3:00pm return to Long Wharf.

On this cruise you will enjoy:

-- Narration by area historians
-- Boston Harbor Islands park staff available for questions
-- Period music and general merriment aboard the cruise
-- Views of Boston Light, America's oldest light station
-- Lunch, full bar and other refreshments available for purchase onboard

COST↑ top




66 Long Wharf, Boston, MA, 02110 map


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