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The Accidentals

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Dates:Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Cost:$ see below
Category:Music & Concerts

The Accidentals are “explorers and admirers” of indie music greats like Andrew Bird, St.

Vincent, Sufjean Stephens, Arcade Fire, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah’s, Black Keys, Sara Jaffe, and the Beatles.

The band's original tunes reflect its exposure to a wide variety of instruments while staying true to its orchestral roots.

In addition to guitar, bass, glockenspiel, mandolin, banjo, piano, organ, accordian, and kazoo, you'll hear the edgy violin and cello that defines this duo.

A review of Tangled Red and Blue summed up the duo's achievement: “It’s difficult to believe that music this accomplished is being crafted by two talents who are still in high school.

but that’s The Accidentals’ story.” In 2013 The Accidentals opened for Andrew Bird, Sixto Rodriguez (Sugar Man), Aunt Martha, Rosco Bandana, and Lauren Mann.

Then the pair hopped an RV to tour their home state of Michigan for seven weeks while finishing and releasing a second album, Bittersweet.

Additionally, the band has been contracted to compose an original score for an independent film called 'One Simple Question,' and its songs 'The Silence,' 'City of Cardboard,' and 'Miso Soup' were selected for use in a second indie film, called 'Please Wait To Be Seated.' The band is currently working on a music video, writing and recording a song for a compilation album to raise funds for childhood cancer research, and providing music to, a new social media platform, all while finishing high school and touring on weekends.

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939 Boylston Street, Boston, MA, 02115 map
Phone: 857-264-6375


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