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Scottish Fish

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Dates:Sunday, May 15, 2016
Cost:$$ see below
Category:Music & Concerts

Scottish Fish are a Boston based fiddle and cello quintet whose youthful enthusiasm, unique arrangements, and original compositions have entertained audiences throughout New England.

Their performances of traditional and contemporary Scottish and Cape Breton music are woven together from years of fiddle camp and session music handed down from generations of the tradition's finest players.

They have performed at the Boston Celtic Music Festival, Somerville's annual Porchfest, and various other public and private venues, sharing the stage occasionally with some of the stars of the Scottish fiddle world, including Hanneke Cassel and Katie McNally.

They are excited to be back at one of their favorite musical establishments!

COST↑ top

$15 / 13



47 Palmer Street, Cambridge, MA, 02138 map


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