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Lez Zepplin

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Dates:Sat from 9/17/16 - 9/17/16
Hours:8:00pm - 11:00pm
Cost:$$ see below
Category:Music & Concerts

NYC's girl quartet is critically acclaimed as one of the most exciting live acts and the first female rock to pay homage to Led Zeppelin.

Taking the sturdy sex appeal of the original dudes and rotating it to match their own femme vibe, the powerful Lez Zeppelin hits it note-for-note for a revolution in rock history reincarnation.

Their skillful renditions of Zeppelin's music serve as the authentic female counterpart to Zeppelin; their recent album, Lez Zeppelin I is a true-to-life recreation of Zeppelin's 1969 debut.

COST↑ top

$38 Public | $35 Members



14 Summer St, Natick, MA, 01760 map
Phone: 508-647-0097


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