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Voci Angelica Trio

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If this is a recurring event that will be happening again this year, please let us know.
Dates:Saturday, August 20, 2016 - Saturday, August 20, 2016
Ages:Kids, Teens, Adults
Cost:Free see below
Category:Music & Concerts

Vocal harmonies, cello, and percussion fuse together in this live performance. Food and drinks available for purchase. Outdoor seating available during nice weather. No cover charge!

The name “Voci Angelica” is a mix of romance languages and Latin, just as the trio explores and blends the music of many cultures.

It roughly translates to mean “voices of angels.” Aristides Rivas concludes,“ Music goes beyond language, religion, and politics.

It connects us to our humanity.”

Re-imagining the boundaries of traditional folk music and classical chamber ensembles, Voci Angelica Trio’s riveting arrangements of global songs from every continent leave audiences mesmerized.

Shimmering vocal harmonies intertwine with lush cello lines and percussion to create a musical fusion that transcends cultural divisions.


Jodi Hitzhusen, voice/percussion

Meena Malik, voice/percussion

Aristides Rivas, cello

No cover / Food & drinks are available for purchases.

COST↑ top

This event is open to the public at no cover charge!



6 Station Street, Brookline, MA, 02445 map
Phone: 617-608-3480

With the Brookline Village T stop just outside our doorstep, plenty of metered parking in the area, and being easily bike accessible, there are plenty of ways to come enjoy delicious food, drinks, and live music!


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Voci Angelica Trio before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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