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If this is a recurring event that will be happening again this year, please let us know.
Dates:Friday, February 10, 2023 - Friday, February 10, 2023
Hours:8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Ages:Teens, Adults
Cost:$ see below
Category:Music & Concerts

This riveting and heart-warming chamber opera is a coming-of-age story about a transgender woman.

The opera was praised by the Washington Post, who called it “a thoughtful and substantial piece, as well as that rarest of operatic commodities—a story that lends itself to dramatization in music.'

Laura Kaminsky, Composer
Mark Campbell and Kimberly Reed, Librettists
David Gately, Stage Director
Sahar Nouri, Conductor

Following each performance, the production’s creative team will hold talkbacks for audience members—all are invited to participate in the discussion.

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31 Hemenway Street, Floor 2, Boston, MA, 02115 map
Phone: 6177472261


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