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Dates:Sun from 4/5/20 - 4/5/20
Ages:Teens, Adults
Cost:Free see below

A priest, a prince and a philosopher walk into a bar….This is not the start of a joke; rather, it is the premise for Wittenberg, the wickedly contentious and wildly comedic play about fate, faith and free will.

What happens when you have a character who is willing to make a deal with the Devil, the man who sparked the Protestant Reformation, and an impressionable young prince suffering from indecisiveness in the same place at the same time?

You get a tragical-comical-historical prequel to Hamlet, Doctor Faustus and the Protestant Reformation!

This witty and provocative exploration of history and humanity by award-winning playwright David Davalos will appeal to anyone looking for big laughs and the answers to life’s big questions.

All tickets are Pay-What-You-Can!

This means we don't decide the price, you do!

Our 'sweet spot' would be about $20 per person; if you are on a budget, pay less, and if you are able to pay more, please do!

Appropriate for ages 15+
Contains sexual situations

Donations of school supplies will be collected at each performance for local charities.

For more information please visit our webpage at

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66 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA, 02116 map


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Wittenberg before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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