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Dates:Friday, March 13, 2015 - Friday, March 13, 2015
Cost:$ see below
Category:Special Events

Open-mic storytelling sessions have arrived at Gallery 263!

Join us for an evening full of five-minute stories, accompanied by drinks and light refreshments.

Inspired by our current exhibition, Take Me to the River, the theme of this session is 'bridges': points of connection, avenues for departure, literal bridges, metaphorical bridges, dental bridges, musical bridges, Jeff Bridges--all interpretations welcome.

Hear stories from experience storytellers, and take to the stage with a five-minute story of your own!

In addition to appreciative audience members, we're currently looking for a couple more 'scheduled' stories--If you are an experienced storyteller who would like to commit to attending the event and telling a story, please contact Alexandra at [email protected] for more info.

There is a $5 suggested donation for attending the event; all proceeds support continued programming at the Gallery 263.

COST↑ top

$5 suggested



263 Pearl St, Cambridge, MA, 02139 map


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