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Into the Woods

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Dates:Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Hours:7:30pm to 10:0pm
Ages:Kids, Teens, Adults
Cost:$ see below
Category:Theater & Shows

This epic adventure musical, presented by the Berklee Musical Theater Club, incorporates plots and characters of several Brothers Grimm fairy tales and features music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and a book by James Lapine.

Into the Woods follows a baker and his wife, who wish to have a child; Cinderella, who wishes to attend the King's Festival; and Jack, who wishes his cow would give milk.

When the baker and his wife learn that they cannot have a child because of a witch's curse, the two set off on a journey to break the curse.

Everyone's wish is granted, but the consequences of their actions return to haunt them with disastrous results.

COST↑ top

$8–$12 in advance / $12–$16 day of show



136 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, MA, 02115 map
Phone: 617-747-2261

Berklee Performance Center


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