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If this is a recurring event that will be happening again this year, please let us know.
Dates:Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - Thursday, April 26, 2018
Hours:Hours Vary see below
Ages:Teens, Adults
Cost:$ see below
Category:Theater & Shows

Filmmaker Guido Contini is in the throes of an existential crisis as he is pressured to come up with his next great film idea.

Haunted by his childhood and challenged by romantic struggles, Contini tries to maintain the balance between reality and his imagination.

Nine is a gripping, avant-garde drama full of romance, tension, and spectacle that cautions a life of notoriety as Contini navigates the tumultuous world of film and love.

This Berklee Theater Arts Collaborative presentation features the 24-piece Musical Theater Orchestra and Ensemble highlighting a Tony Award–winning score written by Maury Yeston, and dramatic Fellini-style elements that seamlessly blend theater and film into a visceral and beautiful story.

HOURS↑ top

4/25: 7:30pm
4/26: 7:30pm

COST↑ top

$8–$12 in advance / $12–$16 day of show



136 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA, 02115 map
Phone: 617-747-2261

Berklee Performance Center


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