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Lord of the Dance: Dangerous Games

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Dates:Friday, September 28, 2018
Ages:Teens, Adults
Cost:$$$ see below
Category:Theater & Shows

Lord of the Dance premiered in London two decades ago, and in 2014 Michael Flatley transformed the show into something even more thrilling than the original.

Lord of the Dance: Dangerous Games, with music composed by Gerard Fahy, premiered at the iconic London Palladium in September 2014 to mark the milestone 20th anniversary since Michael Flatley became an international sensation.

The show continues to thrill audiences around the globe with its intoxicating mix of dance and music that fuses the traditional with the contemporary in a classic tale that showcases the exceptional talent of the cast.

The show features cutting edge technology, including a giant Radiant flat screen that spans the width of the stage, special effects lighting, dancing robots and world champion acrobats.

COST↑ top

$49 - $134



106 Boylston Street, Boston, MA, 02116 map

Emerson Colonial Theatre
106 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116


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