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Old Colony Music Together

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Locations:Multiple see below
Hours:Hours Vary see below
Ages:Infants, Toddlers, Kids
Cost:$$ see below
Category:Music Classes
Other Ideas: Loudlands Music Lab; Loulou's Music featuring Music Together; Concord Conservatory of Music; Music Maker School; New School of Music

old colony music together photoMusic Together® is a music and movement approach to early childhood music development for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, and their parents and other primary caregivers. Originally offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adult involvement.

The Music Together® approach develops every child's basic music competence by encouraging the actual experiencing of music rather than the learning of concepts or information about music. It began as an educational project of the Center for Music and Young Children and is now being taught internationally. Importantly, Music Together® also gives you the ability to bring the joy of music into your home: an integral part of every Music Together® program is the extensive At-Home Materials, including 2 high quality music CDs and a song book.

Old Colony Music Together began offering classes in East Bridgewater, MA in 2004. We now offer classes in Attleboro, Bridgewater, Mansfield, Milton, Weymouth and most recently, Boston. The teaching staff is well trained and highly regarded. Check out their bios and see what families have to say about their experiences in classes on our website.

Here is what one family had to say: 'Music Together has been a wonderful place for the entire family. We have seen such individual growth in our three young children in a relatively small amount of time. Our youngest child has really taken off musically. She's learning so much so quickly...the music has helped bridge the gap between babbling and talking or in her case, singing. It is truly a family affair!'

Come for a free trial class and discover the 'Joy of Family Music™'! Register on-line at or call Gwyneth at (508) 838-9815.

HOURS↑ top

Offering classes weekdays mornings, afternoons, evenings and weekends

COST↑ top

Cost of classes is $190 for a 10 week session, sibling discounts and other savings are available



Attleboro(508) 838-9815---
Boston(508) 838-9815---
Bridgewater(508) 838-9815---
Mansfield(508) 838-9815---
Milton(508) 838-9815mapEdgehill Road, Milton, MA
Weymouth(508) 838-9815---


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Old Colony Music Together before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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