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If this is a recurring event that will be happening again this year, please let us know.
Venue:Discovery Museum
Dates:Tuesday, August 6, 2019 - Sunday, August 11, 2019
Hours:Drop in, 11:00am to 4:00pm
Ages:Toddlers, Kids
Cost:$ see below
Category:Nature & Outdoors

Design, build, and explore a mysterious forest environment of fairy houses, gnome homes, and sprite skyscrapers, constructed completely out of natural materials and creativity.

This changing and evolving temporary space will be put together by staff and visitors over the course of 5 days.

This program will happen light rain or shine.

Heavy rain or other inclement weather may result in changes to the program or cancellation.

Our mission: to inspire enduring curiosity and love of learning.

At the Discovery Museum, children discover open-ended, interactive activities that encourage exploration and imagination.

Discovery Museum
177 Main Street (Route 27)
Acton, MA 01720

COST↑ top

Event included in admission, $14.50.



177 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720 map
Phone: 978-264-4200


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