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Ultimate Werewolf Teen Halloween Bonfire & Hayride

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Dates:Sat from 10/31/15 - 10/31/15
Cost:$$ see below
Category:Seasonal Fun

Too old for trick or treating?

Ages 12-18 can join Mastermind Adventures to play Ultimate Werewolf for Halloween.

this event is just for teens at Oakdale Farm in Rehoboth, MA.

This location is the best for a slightly spooky fun party where you can have a hayride, roast some marshmallows and participate in the ultimate who-dun-it game and more.

Ultimate Werewolf is an interactive game of deduction for two teams: Villagers and Werewolves.

The Villagers don't know who the Werewolves are, and the Werewolves are trying to remain undiscovered while they slowly eliminate the Villagers one at a time.

A Moderator (who isn't on a team) runs the game.

Ultimate Werewolf takes place over a series of game days and nights.

Each day, the players discuss who among them is a Werewolf and vote out a player.

Each night, the Werewolves choose a player to eliminate, while the Seer learns whether one player is a Werewolf or not.

The game is over when either all the Villagers or all the Werewolves are eliminated.

Roles will be assigned ahead of time and you can come dressed in character.

Hot chocolate, water and an outrageous s'mores buffet will be provided.

COST↑ top




59 Wheaton Ave, Rehoboth, MA, 02769 map
Phone: 508-916-2187

TIPS↑ top

  • Make sure you register with an email address that you check periodically for information and updates about the event. Emails may come through Mail Chimp or Eventbrite.

Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Ultimate Werewolf Teen Halloween Bonfire & Hayride before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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