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Build A Fort

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Dates:Fri from 7/6/18 - 8/30/18
Ages:Toddlers, Kids, Teens, Adults
Category:Seasonal Fun

This drop-in program invites children (and adults!) of all ages to build with our colorful interlocking blocks near the entrance to historic Fort Warren.

It took 17 years to build Fort Warren! Find out what it takes to build your own fort with our giant blocks. Fun for all ages.

It is a great activity while spending some time on the historic Georges Island.

Maybe make it into a contest and see who can build the tallest, or sturdiest fort!


15 State Street, Boston, MA, 02108 map

Take a ferry to Geroges Island!


Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Build A Fort before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...
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