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North Suburban Child and Family Resource Network

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Other Ideas: Maynard Family Network; Bedford Family Connection (BFC); Watertown Family Network; Beverly Mothers Club; Family Action Network of Winchester

The North Suburban Child and Family Resource Network is a community-based family education and support program funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, through the Wakefield Public Schools, in collaboration with the Melrose and Stoneham public schools and Hallmark Health.

The Network brings together people in Melrose, Stoneham, Wakefield and surrounding communities by helping to meet the needs of parents, caregivers and educators of young children birth through entering kindergarten.

The Network has a large drop in playroom that is open five days a week and some Saturdays that offers a free, clean and safe environment for caregivers and their children to play together and meet other families. The Network facilitates play and learn groups for caregiver and children ranging in ages from birth through 3 years old. We offer monthly parent education programs and free family fun events. Our center, located in the Franklin School at 16 Franklin St. in Melrose, has many resources and contains a video and book resource library for parents. We also provide information on local preschools, daycare centers and family daycares.

To learn more, visit and select “Clinical Programs.” Our Program Flyer is on our website.

For registration, call 781-662-2722 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Contact us for additional information or to be added to our mailing list.



30 Farm Street, Wakefield, MA, 01880 map
Phone: 781-246-5187

North Suburban Child and Family Resource Network
Woodville School
30 Farm Street Wakefield, MA 01880


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