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Wenham Museum School & Group Programs

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Ages:Kids, Adults
Other Ideas: Battleship Cove Education School & Group Programs; Public Health Museum; Addison Gallery of American Art School & Group Programs; Trustees of Reservations Properties; National Heritage Museum School & Group Programs

The Wenham Museum is a family attraction appealing to all ages. The Museum opened in 1922, and has grown into a great resource for the North Shore of Boston and beyond. School and Group programs touches areas across the curriculum, including history, math, and science.

Programs at the Museum or in Your Classsroom

Colonial Life with the Claflins
Students will explore life in rural Colonial Massachusetts with an authentic hands-on experience in a 17th century home. Learning stations will include candle dipping, schoolwork with a quill, weights and measures with the yoke, and traditional games of the period. This program incorporates the philosophy of the textbook Massachusetts our Home. (2-2.5 hours) Grades 2-5

Native Americans on the North Shore
As they are introduced to the history and daily life of Native Americans on the North Shore, students discover the people who were here before the first settlers and learn how they lived. (2 hours) Grades 2 - 5

Cold Cash Crop: The Wenham Ice Industry
Queen Victoria insisted that her guests be served ice from Wenham Lake. How did this industry put Wenham, Massachusetts, on the map for a half a century? (1 hour) Grade 2 - 5

Programs at the Museum

Building for the Future
This program provides a hands-on look at construction for young children. The class includes a study of the reconstruction of the museum through pictures and architect’s models. (1.5 hours) rade 1 – 3

Fireside Chat
Meet Joanna McClaflin, mistress of the museum’s circa 1690 Claflin-Richards House, and learn about her life as one of the early settlers of the North Shore. (45 minutes) K - Grade 3

Spinning and Weaving
This hands-on, interactive program demonstrates how wool is changed from raw material to cloth. (2.5 to 3 hours) Grade 3 - 5

M is for Museum
A wonderful introduction to the world of museums for young children. The program includes a tour of the current exhibits and a trip to the Model Train Gallery and the Family Discovery Gallery. (1 hour) Pre-K - Grade 1

Off-Site Program
Goody O'Grumpity Traveling Colonial Program
(ENHC Milestone Award Winner!)
Goody O’Grumpity visits your classroom to mesmerize students with a diorama of her cooking hearth and tales of early colonial life in New England. (45 minutes) Pre-K - Grade 2

Home School Programs
Enjoy the award winning Education programs at Wenham Museum with your home- schooled children. The museum is proud to offer this hands-on experience in historic American Life. The program is designed for home schooling families with children ages 6-13.

Additional Programs

Student Art Gallery
The museum offers local schools (pre-school through grade 12) the opportunity to display student artwork for a month in our Student Art Gallery. All artists are given a family pass to view their work while on display. Pre-K - Grade 12

Family Discovery Gallery and Bennett E. Merry Train Gallery
The museum’s Family Discovery Gallery and Model Train Gallery offer opportunities for students to enjoy a less structured trip to the museum. The interactive Family Discovery Gallery features rotating hands-on activities exploring different themes related to museum collections. There are engaging and educational dress-up, building, and art-based activities, among many others. The Bennett E. Merry Train Gallery features six running lay-outs of model trains including a Salem to Newburyport line. 1 hour) Pre-K - Grade 1 free with museum admission or program.



132 Main Street, Wenham, MA map
Phone: 978-468-2377


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