Snowmazing! at Boston Children's Museum
Venue: | Boston Children's Museum |
Dates: | Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - Sunday, February 23, 2025 |
Hours: | Hours Vary see below |
Ages: | Kids |
In/Outdoor: | Indoor |
Cost: | $$ see below |
Category: | Seasonal Fun |
Skate with your socks, create in our STEAM and Art Labs, climb to the top of our 3 story climber, and for our youngest explorers enjoy our iconic PlaySpace exhibit. Check the calendar to learn more about daily activities.
Join us at the Museum for winter fun starting December 3. Fun and wonder await you in the Museum and in our Snowmazing Polar Playground.
Take a fun wintery photo in front of an authentic 1800’s sleigh, sock skate with Jack Frost and friends, see our giant snowman, and join for our Snow Days, fun-filled days throughout the months of December, January, and February with winter themed programs and new wonders to enjoy and discover!
You won’t want to miss our Polar Playground experience that Includes:
Sock Skating
Cozy Book nook
Winter Animals
Ice Castle Building
Igloo Forts
Winter characters including Jack Frost and friends
And more winter magic and surprises!
Science, art, music, and special family events together with fun-filled exhibits, will make a visit to the Museum memorable. View the full calendar of events here.
Once you are done with the sock skating, you might want to give some real Boston Ice Skating a whirl! Check out our handy guide to winter family fun for skating rink venues near you.
Pre-registration is required. Check the online calendar for up-to-date information.
HOURS | ↑ top |
The Museum is open Wednesdays through Sundays in two time slots 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:30-4:30pm. Admission is only by advance registration and ticketing.
COST | ↑ top |
Pre-registration required - General Museum admission: $22 | Purchase tickets
WEBSITE | ↑ top |
LOCATION | ↑ top |
308 Congress Street, Boston, MA map
Phone: 617-426-6500
TIPS | ↑ top |
- Concerned about safety? We get it. See what it's like visiting Boston Children's Museum and all of the impressive health & safety protocols they have in place to keep visitors safe.
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